Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Yoga and the fear of blindness, not to mention the ’60s.

 Chapter One:  Yoga I was lying on my back preparing for urdhva dhanurasana.  I had just positioned my hands alongside my head, or thereabouts, and was settling in for the push when I glanced up at the ceiling lights. Shimmery rainbows circled each bulb like the ghostly rings around the moon before a snow.  I […]

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Bird Sex

Zebra finches are about the size of my thumb and they’re very cute. They won’t mate unless they have a little covered nest that affords them privacy.  I think that’s proper. The males are quite helpful: not only do they do most of the nest-building (which in the case of caged birds amounts to “feathering” […]

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I had a dream last night about someone I loved very much.  He was mean to me in the dream. Not that he meant to be mean, but he wouldn’t say that he loved me. He didn’t say he didn’t, but he was evasive and distracted and didn’t pay any attention to me. I wanted […]

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